Biuletyn / Bulletin – 2-ego kwietnia 2023 roku / April 2, 2023

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
Tel.: (902) 564-4847
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
St. Mary’s Polish Church is a heritage landmark designated by the Province of Nova Scotia

We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.
Established in 1913. Church rebuilt in 2015-2016. Our second century of faith and service

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Rich Philiposki is currently in residence as pastor. Contact info: 702-881-3674 (cell)
-During Father Rich’s extended times outside the region, Father Evo DiPierro will serve as Administrator: 902-564-4222

MSZY/MASSES: PLEASE NOTE: Public health continues to strongly recommend wearing masks in congregate settings

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.


Niedziela Palmowa / Palm Sunday

Pierwsze czytanie / First Reading: Iz/Isaiah 50,4-7
Psalm: 22
Drugie czytanie / Second Reading: Flp 2,6-11
Ewangelia / Gospel: Mt 26,14-27,66
RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Boże mój, Boże, czemuś mnie opuścił / My, my God, why have you abandoned me

MASS INTENTION FOR TODAY 9:30am PALM SUNDAY: For the soul Steve Melnick offered by daughter Stephanie

Holy Monday / Wielki Poniedziałek April 3rd: No Mass as Fr Rich is at Chrism Mass in Antigonish
Holy Tuesday / Wielki Wtorek April 4th, 6:30pm: Mass intention for the soul of Jean Murphy offered by Simon Gillis; 7:00pm-8:00pm Hour of Mercy with Adoration and confessions
Holy Wednesday / Wielka Środa April 5th, 6:30pm: Mass intention for the soul of Steve Melnick offered by Marjorie Ardelli & Paul MacKinnnon; Lamentations (Gorzkie Zale) in English following the Mass
Holy Thursday / Wielki Czwartek April 6th, 6:30pm Solemn Mass of the Lord's Supper followed by Eucharistic procession to Altar of Repose "Ciemnice" for adoration until 9:00pm. Mass intention for Vocations to the priesthood.
Good Friday / Wielki Piątek April 7th, 12:30pm Gorzkie Żale(Lamentations) in Polish; 1:00pm Way (Stations) of the Cross followed by break; 2:00pm Liturgy of Good Friday (Passion, veneration of the Cross, Holy Communion) followed by Novena and Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Holy Saturday / Wielka Sobota April 8th, 1:00pm Święconka Blessing of Easter food baskets followed by Divine Mercy prayers
Easter Sunday / Resurrection of the Lord -Wielkanoc April 9th, 9:30am Rezurekcja Solemn Resurrection Procession & Mass; Father Rich 's intentions,



KONDOLENCJE / SINCERE CONDOLENCES: Our parish extends heartfelt condolences and offers prayers to the families of: John Tynski, Julie Ellen Mayich, Carol Siepierski. May their souls rest in peace, and may their families experience comfort and blessings. Wieczny odpoczynek racz Im dać Panie ….

STO LAT! Birthday blessings to Evelyn Wojcik and to Eileen Fagan-Steele. Wishing lots of health and happiness. Wszystkiego dobrego!

PRE-EASTER SALE OF POLISH SAUSAGES AND OTHER PRODUCTS: Right after Mass today (Palm Sunday). Andrzej Rafalski from Halifax will be here (Sala 1050) for the usual pre-Easter sale.

THANK YOU to Ursula Melski and to Father Rich for supplying the willows for Palm Sunday! In the Polish tradition, it’s typical to use willow branches in place of palms. These are often elaborately decorated. We have some ribbons on hand if you would like to decorate your willow branches.

A NOTE ABOUT THE BLESSING OF EASTER BASKETS AND EASTER FOODS: Holy Saturday at 1:00pm. As usual, we will have a collective basket in front of the altar for Loaves and Fishes. If you can give an item from your basket, including fresh items, that would be so appreciated. Also, we will be putting together baskets for people who are homebound. If you know someone who might like to have a basket delivered to them, please let Tom Urbaniak know. After the Good Friday liturgy, we will put together these baskets. Thanks to anyone who can stay for a short time.

PRAYERS / INTENTIONS: Please don’t hesitate to advise of any special prayers/intentions to include in the bulletin or the petitions (prayers of the faithful) – such as anniversaries, birthdays, milestones, someone in hospital, etc. (902-563-1226).

POLISH EASTER ITEMS: At the back of the church is a table with some Polish Easter cards, pisanki as well as pisanki sleeves, and traditional lamb figures.Most of the pisanki may now have been purchased, but some pisanki sleeves are still available. We still have some baranki (traditional Easter lamb figurines) that you can put in your basket. It’s suggested, if you can, a donation of $5 per item to support the work of the parish. Dziękujemy!

POGORIA POLISH FOLK ENSEMBLE: practice after Mass today in the Polish Village Hall.

SUMMER SCHOOL IN WAŁBRZYCH, POLAND – OUR SISTER CITY: Offered by CBU for five weeks starting June 12. For credit, in English. Two courses team taught by CBU and Angelus Silesius University faculty. Interesting field work in the city and meetings with community leaders. We will study twin cities and community development in cities where industries have closed. There are bursaries to cover travel and accommodation costs (based on need). If you know any CBU students, please make them aware of this unique opportunity. Non-CBU students may be accepted as well as a “continuing education” offering. For more information, please speak with Tom Urbaniak (

VEHICLE PLATES: Cape Breton Polonia and Nova Scotia Polonia front vehicle plates are still available at the back of the church. $25.00 each

FUND-RAISING FOR UKRAINIAN HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE: We are using all the funds raised to support three charities that are directly helping refugees and displaced people either within Ukraine itself or who have fled to Poland. Our largest chunk of support has been going to our sister city Wałbrzych’s Ukrainian refugee assistance fund (via the CBRM). We are also supporting Caritas efforts on the ground (via the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace) and the Catholic Near East Welfare Association. We have special envelopes (marked “Ukrainian Humanitarian Assistance”) at the back of the church if you are considering making a contribution. Thank you for your support!

FOOD CUPBOARD: Please consider bringing a non-perishable food or personal care item (e.g. shampoo, soap, toilet paper) to church when you come to Mass. These items will help stock our food cupboard outside the Polish Village Hall. There is a significant need in our community. Thank you for any help.

OUR POLISH-THEMED RADIO SEGMENTS: The Coast Radio 89.7 (weekdays at 3:50pm and 7:50pm or any time at This coming week's topic will be the Blessing of Easter baskets and items traditionally in a Polish Easter basket. Thank you to Nicole MacCormack for lending her voice to this segment. This segment is dedicated to Mary McMullin on the occasion of her 89th birthday.
We’re always looking for sponsors and volunteers. It’s $100 for a whole week. Sponsors are recognized on air – and any dedications, too (eg. if you’re sponsoring as a memorial or as a birthday or anniversary gift). The Coast is generously redirecting the sponsorships back to the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society (which produces the segments), which has been a big help to the Society. If you think you might like to sponsor a week, please e-mail or call 563-1226. Many thanks!

PUBLIC HEALTH PROTOCOLS – MASKS ARE STILL STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Thanks for all your kindness, patience, and co-operation through the pandemic.

COLLECTION FOR MARCH 26: $1786.00, including $600.00 for the Building Fund, $50.00 for Ukrainian humanitarian assistance, $10.00 for ShareLent and $90.00 for flowers. Thank you for your generosity to carry on the work of our parish and maintain our beautiful sacred space. Bόg zapłać!

THANKS VERY KINDLY FOR YOUR DONATIONS TO OUR PARISH : Donations may be made during weekly Sunday Mass collection. Also, please feel free to use the mail: St. Mary’s Polish Parish, 21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5. Donations can also be made securely on-line at Canada Helps (which will email you an instant tax receipt): (link to this site is provided on our parish website homepage). Thanks for your support!



Entrance: Our opening hymn today – a special Palm Sunday hymn about Christ’s entry into Jerusalem.
1.Wjeżdża Król nasz, Jezus cichy, do Jerozolimy, hołd Mu składa lud pobożny, Jego lud rodzimy.
Ref.: Hosanna, hosanna Synowi Bożemu Hosanna, hosanna, cześć Zbawcy naszemu!
2. Dziatki róże, palmy, ziele sypią Mu pod nogi, wdzięczne Matki płaszcze ścielą, jedzie Chrystus drogi.
3. Wokół słychać okrzyk gromki: Niechaj Chrystus żyje! Tną hebrajskie pacholęta palmy i lilije.
4. Brzmi: Hosanna, witaj Zbawco, wnijdź błogosławiony; w imię Pańskie wchodzisz do nas – brzmi na wszystkie strony.
5.Bądźże tedy pozdrowiony, Boże nasz i Panie, przyjmij od nas modły, hołdy, pobożne śpiewanie

Offertory: W Krzyzu Cierpienie (Cross of Compassion) – number 20 on page 44 of the book in the pews: Przez Pokolenia: Prayers and Customs of St. Mary’s Polish Church

Communion: Jezusa Ukrytego -- choir

Post-Communion: Chwała i Dziękczynienia (3 times) [About praise and thanks for the boundless love of Jesus for everyone.]
Chwała i dziękczynienie, / Bądź w każdym momencie, / Jezusowi w Najświętszym, Boskim Sakramecie./ Ile minut w godzinie, / A godzin w wieczności,/ Tyle kroć bądź pochwalon,/ Jezu, ma miłości.

Recessional: Któryś za nas cierpiał rany (You who suffered, wounded, for us – Lord Jesus, have mercy on us)
Któryś za nas cierpiał rany, Jezu Chryste, zmiłuj się nad nami (sung three times)


Looking forward to seeing you at the beautiful blessing of Easter foods this coming Saturday, Holy Saturday at 1:00pm.
If you can, please wear traditional attire or a St. Michael’s jacket or something with the Cape Breton Polish tartan.
We will have a collective basket for Loaves and Fishes and invite everyone to give an item from your basket to the collective basket.
We will also be blessing baskets for homebound people. (Right after the Good Friday liturgy, we will be putting these baskets together and would be grateful for anyone who could stay 15 or 20 minutes to help out.
You can include anything you want in your basket but here are a few typical items with explanations. Back in 2020 – when we were locked down because of the pandemic - - we did a little 15-minute video about preparing a Polish Easter basket. You can see it here:


Masło (Butter) - This dairy product is often shaped into a lamb (Baranek Wielkanocny) or a cross. This reminds us of the good will of Christ that we should have towards all things.
Babka (Easter Bread) - A round or long loaf topped with a cross or a fish, symbolic of Jesus, the Bread of Life.
Chrzan (Horseradish) - Symbolic of the Passion of Christ still in our minds.
Jajka (Eggs) and Pisanki (decorated with symbols of Easter, of life, of prosperity) - Indicates new life and Christ's Resurrection from the tomb.
Kiełbasa (Sausage) - A sausage product, symbolic of God's favour and generosity.
Szynka (Ham) - Symbolic of great joy and abundance. Some prefer lamb or veal. The lamb also reminds Christians that the Risen Christ is the "Lamb of God."
Sόl (Salt) - A necessary element in our physical life. Symbolic of prosperity and justice and to remind us that people are the flavour of the earth.
Ser (Cheese) - Symbolic of the moderation Christians should have at all times.
Candle - Represents Christ as the Light of the World.
Colourful Ribbons and Sprigs of Greenery - are attached to the basket as signs of joy and new life in the season of spring and in celebration of the Resurrection.
Linen Cover - drawn over the top of the basket which is ready for the priest's visit to the home or the trip to church where it is joined with the baskets of others to await the blessing. The food is then set aside and enjoyed on Easter Sunday

Życzymy błogosławionego tygodnia / Wishing you a blessed week!