Biuletyn / Bulletin – 12-ego marca 2023 roku / March 12, 2023

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
Tel.: (902) 564-4847
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
St. Mary’s Polish Church is a heritage landmark designated by the Province of Nova Scotia

We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.
Established in 1913. Church rebuilt in 2015-2016. Our second century of faith and service

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Rich Philiposki is currently NOT in residence as pastor. Contact info: 702-881-3674 (cell)
-During Father Rich’s extended times outside the region, Father Evo DiPierro will serve as Administrator: 902-564-4222

MSZY/MASSES: PLEASE NOTE: Public health continues to strongly recommend wearing masks in congregate settings

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.


Trzecia Niedziela Wielkiego Postu / Third Sunday of Lent

Pierwsze czytanie / First Reading: Wj / Exodus 17, 3-7
Psalm: 95
Drugie czytanie / Second Reading: Rz 5, 1-2.5-8
Ewangelia / Gospel: J 4,5-42
RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Słysząc głos Pana, serc nie zatwardzajcie / If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts

MASS INTENTION FOR TODAY 9:30am: For the soul of Mary and Peter Baryluk offered by Marilyn and Joe Gillis
MASS INTENTION FOR WEDNESDAY 6:30pm (followed by Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa): For the souls of Jack LaRusic and also for Father Evo’s parents
MASS INTENTION FOR NEXT SUNDAY: For the soul of Steve Melnick offered by Nicole and Jeffrey MacCormack



HEARTFELT CONDOLENCES to the family of Frania Ardelli (nee Kokocki). Frania passed away last Saturday. We are truly grateful for her life and lifelong service as a member of our parish. Frania Ardelli’s funeral Mass will be at our church on Monday, March 20 (a week from tomorrow) at 10:00am, followed by a reception.

STO LAT! Birthday blessings (today – March 12) are extended to Mary McMullin (89!) and to Maura Lea Morykot! Wishing you happiness and health! The parish sends all good thoughts, prayers and expressions of friendship.

THANKS to everyone who brought a dish for the lunch last Sunday and celebration of St. Casimir’s Day. There are some nice photos on our parish Facebook page!

A NOTE ABOUT OUR PARISHIONERS WHO VOLUNTEER FOR MASS FOR SHUT-INS: You might have recently seen some excellent televised interviews with Mike Morykot and with Sophie O’Toole, long-time volunteers for Mass for Shut-Ins (decades). Mike has been there since the very beginning. Thanks also to Roddie O’Toole, who volunteers tirelessly. You’re all amazing and we’re grateful to you!

PISANKI, BARANKI, POLISH EASTER CHRISTMAS CARDS: We’re anticipating having these available in 1-2 weeks.

SUMMER SCHOOL IN WAŁBRZYCH, POLAND – OUR SISTER CITY: Offered by CBU for five weeks starting June 12. For credit, in English. Two courses team taught by CBU and Angelus Silesius University faculty. Interesting field work in the city and meetings with community leaders. We will study twin cities and community development in cities where industries have closed. There are bursaries to cover travel and accommodation costs (based on need). If you know any CBU students, please make them aware of this unique opportunity. Non-CBU students may be accepted as well as a “continuing education” offering. For more information, please speak with Tom Urbaniak (

ALTAR SOCIETY SCHEDULE FOR THE NEXT SIX MONTHS: Thanks to all! If you would like to be part of the Altar Society or added to the schedule, please don’t hesitate to call 563-1226 or e-mail .
March: Jean Annette and Catherine
April: Peggy and Lynette
May: Eileen and Ursula
June: Janet and Evelyn
July: Marilyn and Joe
August: Stephanie and Sophie
(Substitute if anyone is away on a particular week: Tom)

VEHICLE PLATES: Cape Breton Polonia and Nova Scotia Polonia front vehicle plates are still available at the back of the church. $25.00 each

FUND-RAISING FOR UKRAINIAN HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE: We are using all the funds raised to support three charities that are directly helping refugees and displaced people either within Ukraine itself or who have fled to Poland. Our largest chunk of support has been going to our sister city Wałbrzych’s Ukrainian refugee assistance fund (via the CBRM). We are also supporting Caritas efforts on the ground (via the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace) and the Catholic Near East Welfare Association. We have special envelopes (marked “Ukrainian Humanitarian Assistance”) at the back of the church if you are considering making a contribution. Thank you for your support!

FOOD CUPBOARD: Please consider bringing a non-perishable food or personal care item (e.g. shampoo, soap, toilet paper) to church when you come to Mass. These items will help stock our food cupboard outside the Polish Village Hall. There is a significant need in our community. Thank you for any help.

OUR POLISH-THEMED RADIO SEGMENTS: The Coast Radio 89.7 (weekdays at 3:50pm and 7:50pm or any time at This coming week's topic will be special Polish customs for a baby’s first birthday. Many thanks to Marjorie Ardelli for lending her voice to this segment. This segment is dedicated in appreciation to D.D. Yurchesyn Jackson for the beautiful handmade teatowels she made for our parish in support of our fund-raising efforts for Ukrainian humanitarian assistance.
We’re always looking for sponsors and volunteers. It’s $100 for a whole week. Sponsors are recognized on air – and any dedications, too (eg. if you’re sponsoring as a memorial or as a birthday or anniversary gift). The Coast is generously redirecting the sponsorships back to the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society (which produces the segments), which has been a big help to the Society. If you think you might like to sponsor a week, please e-mail or call 563-1226. Many thanks!

RADIO SEGMENT RECORDING: the next round of radio segments are being recorded this Friday.

COPERNICUS 550: For this year’s NS Polish Heritage Month (September), we are especially interested in activities that will honour the 550th anniversary of the birth of the great Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (Mikołaj Kopernik). Among other things, we’re planning to unveil a commemorative sundial on the coast in Gabarus to honour Copernicus. (Polish communities across Canada have been asked to do special commemorations.)

PUBLIC HEALTH PROTOCOLS – MASKS ARE STILL STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Thanks for all your kindness, patience, and co-operation through the pandemic.

COLLECTION FOR MARCH 5: $1278.00, including $110.00 for fuel. Thank you for your generosity. Bόg zapłać!

THANKS VERY KINDLY FOR YOUR DONATIONS TO OUR PARISH : Thank you for your generosity to carry on the work of our parish and maintain our beautiful sacred space. Bόg zapłać! Please feel free to use the mail: St. Mary’s Polish Parish, 21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5. Donations can also be made securely on-line at Canada Helps (which will email you an instant tax receipt): (link to this site is provided on our parish website homepage). Thanks for your support!



Entrance: W Krzyżu Cierpienie (Cross of Compassion) – Please see page 44 (hymn #20) of the book in the pews, Przez Pokolenia: Prayers and Customs of St. Mary’s Polish Church.

Offertory: Ludu, Mój Ludu (People, My People)
1. Ludu mój ludu, cóżem ci uczynił/ W czymem zasmucił, albo w czym zawinił.
Jam cię wyzwolił z mocy faraona,/ a tyś przyrządził krzyż na me ramiona.
2. Ludu mój ludu. , cóżem ci uczynił/ W czymem zasmucił, albo w czym zawinił
Jam cię wprowadzi w kraj miodem płynący,/ tyś mi zgotował śmierci znak hańbiący.

Communion: Cóż Ci Jezu Damy (What Will We Give to You, Jesus?) – choir

Post-Communion: Serce Jezusa Ciche Pokorne (The Humble Heart of Jesus)
1. Serce Jezusa ciche pokorne / Usłysz ach, usłysz błagania głos/ Za nim burze nas ogarną/ Serce Jezusa broń.
Ref. Słodko spoczniemy, na/ Boskim sercu/ Nigdy nie dozwól, rozłonczyć się/ Usłysz proszimy, twych dzieci głos/ Serce Jezusa ratuj nas.
2. O serce Boże w hostij ukryte/ My dzieci twoje wielbimy cię/ Rospal miłość skrusz pokute/ Serce Jezusa broń.

Recessional: Któryś za nas cierpiał rany (You who suffered, wounded, for us – Lord Jesus, have mercy on us)
Któryś za nas cierpiał rany, Jezu Chryste, zmiłuj się nad nami (sung three times)

Życzymy błogosławionego tygodnia / Wishing you a blessed week!