Biuletyn / Bulletin – 15-ego kwietnia 2018 roku / April 15, 2018

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
Tel.: (902) 564-4847
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.
Established in 1913. Church rebuilt in 2015-2016. Our second century of faith and service

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Rich Philiposki 902-564-4847 or cell 902-577-6331

MSZY/MASSES: Sunday at 10:00 am, 4:00 pm
Weekday Masses: Days & times vary
First Saturday of the month at 8:30 am
Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa following the Wednesday evening Mass
Chaplet of Divine Mercy following the Friday evening Masss

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.


Trzecia Niedziela Wielkanocna / Third Sunday of Easter

TODAY’S MASS INTENTION (8:30 am Mass) is for Gerald Travis offered by Peggy Ryba-Travis
TODAY’S MASS INTENTION (4:00 pm Mass) is for all parishioners

Eucharistic Minister for today: Roddie O'Toole
Ushers for collection today: Robert Melski Sr., Tony Gniewek




Monday, April 16, 8:30am
The Mass intention will be for the health of Steve Salnoc offered by Marg Granich
Tuesday, April 17: No Mass
Wednesday, April 18, 6:30pm
The Mass intention will be for Minnie Matheson (Peinsznski) offered by Hughana Matheson 7:00pm Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa
Thursday, April 19, 6:30pm The Mass intention will be for Josephine MacIntyre offered by Roddie and Sophie O’Toole
Friday, April 20, 6:30pm The Mass intention will be for Bishop Arthur Krawczak offered by Father Rich 7:00pm Divine Mercy chaplet

Sunday, April 22, 10:00am: The Mass intention will be for vocations (coinciding with Good Shepherd Sunday)
Lectors: Krista Ann Starzomski, Jerry Pocius
Eucharistic Minister:
Altar Servers: Frankie Chislett, Matthew Pellerine,  Anthony Melski, Robbie Melski
Ushers: Larry Gniewek, Tony Melski
Greeters: Joan Mosher, Peggy Ryba
Altar Society designated volunteers for April: Catherine Tucker, Herb Tucker
Care Committee: to visit or send a card, please call Catherine Tucker (902-567-0146) or Vicki Aucoin (562-7142)

Sunday, April 22, 4:00 pm: The Mass intention will be for all parishioners

Collection receipts for Sunday, April 8: $1269.40 (broken down as follows: $715.00 general collection, $65.00 monthly, $100.00 Holy Thursday, $ votive candles, $195.90 loose, $193.50 rebuilding fund). Thank you very much for your generous support of St. Mary's Polish Parish. Dziekujemy bardzo.

MASS CARDS / VIGIL INTENTIONS: To reserve Mass Intentions / Vigil Intentions, please call Father Rich (902-564-4847 or cell 902-577-6331) or Carolyn Ardelli-Kiley (902-539-1725).

IN MEMORIAM DONATION: In Memoriam donations will be acknowledged in the bulletin. Building Fund contributions will go toward the new church. To contribute to the Rebuilding Fund, if you do not have an envelope, you can write on your regular envelope or cheque “Designated to the Rebuilding of St. Mary’s Polish Church.”



Dear Parishioners & Friends:
Chrystus Zmartwychwstal! Christ is Risen!
We continue the joy of Easter on this Third Sunday of Easter. The Eastertide season continues to Pentecost Sunday (the 50th day) which is May 20th. Today’s gospel again speaks to us of the post-resurrection encounter that Jesus had with His disciples that re-affirmed their belief. Jesus tells them and us that all this was found in scripture. We need, ourselves, to not only hear the scripture readings at Sunday Mass, but also read from our own bibles at home and reflect upon them. We should try to find even 10 or 15 minutes a day to devote to God’s revealed Word to us. The next major celebration in our church will be on Sunday, May 13th which is the Ascension of the Lord into Heaven solemnity. On this day Bishop Brian Dunn will visit our parish and preside at Mass and administer the Sacrament of Confirmation on four youth of our parish. He will also bless our now completed Sala 1050 (although the kitchen is not likely to be finished yet). We will have our monthly potluck brunch on that day as well. We will soon announce how we will celebrate the Third of May (trzeciego maja) which is the anniversary of Poland’s famed constitution and also the Feast of Our Lady Queen of Poland.


IMO Frances Pollock from Wisia MacNeil
Other donors: Anne Marie & Jimmie Campbell, Krista Ann Starzomski, Judy Roston, Leo Kyte

TODAY AFTER MASS – EASTER Święconka BRUNCH: in Sala 1050. Everyone is welcome. We would like to kindly invite everyone to please take a seat at (or near!) a table for a moment. Fr. Rich will have a blessing and we will exchange the blessed eggs as per the Polish custom. Following that, we will approach the brunch table.

LOAVES AND FISHES: Thanks to everyone who brought a non-perishable item today for Loaves and Fishes. There is a food collection box at the entrance to the Sala 1050.

PIEROGI MAKING TOMORROW: There will be a gathering tomorrow (Monday) at 9:00am in the Polish Village Hall to make pierogi for our upcoming Polish May holiday celebration. Sincere gratitude to anyone who can spare some time to volunteer tomorrow.


POGORIA POLISH FOLK ENSEMBLE: Rehearsal this afternoon starting at 4:15pm in the Polish Village Hall downstairs.

HOSPITALITY MEETING WEDNESDAY AT 4:00pm for any hospitality volunteers or any fellow parishioners interested in being part of the decision-making for the new cupboards for the kitchen. Willie LeBlanc from Gillis Home Hardware will be joining us.

REVIEW/CORRECTIONS TO DONORS’ LIST FOR DONOR WALL: At the Parish Easter Brunch today, we will have the draft list (a few copies in binders on a table near the piano). We would be grateful if everyone could look this list over next week and advise of any errors or omissions by making notations right in the binders.

COMMUNITY KITCHEN PROJECT: Next meeting of the Steering Committee is tomorrow at 4:00pm. If you would like to be involved in any way, please call 563-1226. This project involves several faith communities. This project will bring back (for a six-month pilot, starting fall 2018) weekly meals (free or pay-what-you can) that had been offered in the Pier until 2012. This will happen here in our church (Sala 1050).

THE ALTAR SOCIETY is inviting new members. For more info, please speak with any current member or call 902-563-1226.

FINANCE COMMITTEE: Orientation session for the Sage accounting system this coming Saturday at 9:00am.

NEXT POLSKI PIĄTEK: theme “Galicia Night” – Friday, April 20, 6:00pm Polish Village Hall (free, informal evening social). Neighbours from the Ukrainian community will be joining us as well. If you can bring a dish for a potluck that would be wonderful (not required). See you on Friday! Do zobaczenia!

PLEASE CONSIDER SPONSORING A PEACOCK FEATHER FOR $100 AT THE POLISH VILLAGE HALL: We are going to try to get them painted in time for the May 3 Polish holiday! Your name, or the name of a person in whose memory you designate, will be permanently inscribed on the wall below a painted peacock feather downstairs in the Polish Village Hall. The hall has recently gone through some major improvements. Thanks for your help in promoting the hall as a hub for the community. Please speak with any member of the St. Michael’s Polish Benefit Society or call 902-564-8494

Pope Francis released his Apostolic Exhortation Rejoice and Be Glad on March 19, 2018:“Let us allow the Lord to rouse us from our torpor, to free us from our inertia. Let us rethink our usual way of doing things; let us open our eyes and ears, and above all our hearts, so as not to be complacent about things as they are, but unsettled by the living and effective word of the risen Lord” (par. 137)

IN MEMORIAM / BUILDING FUND ENVELOPES / REBUILDING FUND ENVELOPES are at the back of the church. Many thanks for your support.

TO CONTRIBUTE ON-LINE TO OUR REBUILDING, PLEASE GO TO OUR PARISH WEB HOME PAGE ( and please click the link to our Canada Helps donation page. It’s a secure system and you’ll receive your charitable tax receipt promptly. Thanks for your support! Please spread the word.

REBUILDING FUND CONTRIBUTIONS: Building Fund contributions will go toward the new church. To contribute to the rebuilding if you do not have an envelope, you can also write on your regular envelope or cheque “Designated to the Rebuilding of St. Mary’s Polish Church.”.Donations can also be made by regular mail: St. Mary's Polish Parish 21 Wesley St. , Sydney, N.S. B1N 2M5. Thank you so much for your support.

THE RENOVATED AND REFURBISHED POLISH VILLAGE HALL is a comfortable, well appointed, modernized venue for events large and small. Please consider renting the hall for your events.The beautifully renovated downstairs is now available again for rentals for holiday parties or other occasions Please call 564-8494;


Życzenia na miłego nowego tygodnia / Wishing you a blessed week! Bóg zapłać!


TODAY’S HYMNS: 10:00 am Mass
Entrance: Wstal Pan Chrystus (Christ is Risen)

Offertory: Otrzyjcie Już (Fill the Earth)
Communion: O niewysłowione szczęście  (Great Blessing)
Post-Communion: W sakramencie utajony (Contained in the Sacrament)
Recessional: Wesel się Królowo miła (Rejoice O Gracious Queen)

TODAY’S HYMNS: 4:00 pm Mass (See Pages in St. Joseph Sunday Missal)



POP-UP TUTORIAL - Easter Święconka Brunch:
Wielkanoc (vee-el-KA-nots) - Easter
Święconka (shvee-ents-ON-ka) - "blessing event” (also used for blessing of Easter baskets- Holy Saturday)
Woda Święcona (VO-da shvee-entz-O-na) - Holy water
Jajko (YI-ko) - egg
Chleb (klep) - bread
Ogórki (o-GOOR-kee) - cucumbers
Pomidory (po-mih-DO-rih) - tomato
Chrzan (kjan) -- horseradish
Ser (sayr) - cheese
Kiełbasa (kee-ew-BA-sa) - type of sausage
Owoce (o-VO-tseh) - fruits
Krówki (KROOV-kee) - Literally “little cows” – famous Polish fudge candy
Makowiec (ma-KO-vee-ets) - poppyseed
Baranek (ba-RA-nek) - lamb