Biuletyn / Bulletin – 15-ego lutego 2015 roku / February 15, 2015

Parafia p.w. Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
21 Wesley St., Sydney, NS, B1N 2M5
(meeting until our rebuilding at Holy Redeemer Church
with thanks to our friends of Holy Redeemer Parish)
Tel.: (902) 564-4847
Witamy wszystkich! Welcome to all!
We are pleased to share our faith and rich traditions with the whole community.
Established in 1913. Our second century of faith and service … WE WILL RISE AGAIN

PROBOSZCZ/PASTOR:  Father Paul Murphy 564-4355

MSZY/MASSES: Sunday at 9:30 a.m. (temporarily at Holy Redeemer Church)
Wednesday Masses on hold until we rebuild our church.
Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa will now be said before Sunday Masses.

SPOWIEDŹ:  Godzina do uzgodnienia z księdzem.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Anytime upon request to the priest.

SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚWIĘTEGO:  Prosimy o kontakt z księdzem conajmniej na 1 miesiąc przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please contact the priest at least one month in advance.

SAKRAMENT MAŁZEŃSTWA:   Zapowiedzi powinny być ogłoszone conajmniej na 6 miesięcy przed planowaną datę.
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Intentions must be announced at least six months in advance.


Szósta Niedziela Zwykła / Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

TODAY’S MASS INTENTION is that the rebuilding of St. Mary’s Polish Church may strengthen us all in faith and service.

TODAY’S RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Tyś jest ucieczką i moją radością. [Thou art my refuge and my joy.] Pronunciation: Tish / yest / oo-che-chko / ee /moya /radoshch-o

The Vigil Candle this week is for Pope Francis's prayer intention for February: “That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity.”

Eucharistic Minister for today: Marilyn Gillis

Ushers for collection today: Michael Melski, Robert Melski Sr.



WEDNESDAY MASSES are on hold while we rebuild. We will regularly pray the Novena to Our Lady of Czestochowa before Sunday Masses (about 9:15). Copies of the Novena are at the back of the church, but on future Sundays, please kindly bring the text with you. Part of the Novena’s Memorare includes these words: “Lady of Jasna Gora, our Mother * trusting in your maternal goodness * and powerful intercession with your Son * we place before you our humble prayers and petitions. * To you we commend all our needs * and the needs of our families * and our parish.”

TŁUSTY CZWARTEK IN THE POLISH TRADITION: In the Polish tradition instead of Shrove Tuesday the Thursday before Lent is Tłusty Czwartek (literally “Fat Thursday”) and features paczki (the jelly-filled doughnuts). In Krakow and the Malopolska region it is often called “Cymbrowy Czwartek,” in honour of a festival held in defiance of a corrupt 17th century mayor.

Wednesday, February 18: SRODA POPIELCOWA – ASH WEDNESDAY:  Our penitential season of Lent begins this Wednesday with the mark of the blessed ashes. The ashes are a symbol of remorsefulness, forgiveness, and our earthly mortality. Please note that this is a day of fasting and abstinence from meat. There will be three masses on Ash Wednesday:
8:45 am at Holy Redeemer Convent Chapel.
12:10 pm at Holy Redeemer Church (with St. Mary’s Polish Parish participation
6:30 pm at Holy Redeemer Church

Sunday, February 22, 9:30 a.m. The Mass intention will be for Joseph Melski offered by Michael & Ursula Melski.
Lectors: Anne Marie Campbell, Janusz Wawrzyszyn                                                     
Eucharistic Minister: Suzanne Campbell
Altar Servers: Caleigh, Kristofer, Rudy
Ushers: Tony Gniewek, Robert Melski Jr.
Greeters: Toni LaRusic, Janina MacCormack

Collection receipts for Sunday, February 8:  $1546.95 (broken down as follows: $721.95 general collection, $825.00 Rebuilding fund. Thank you very much for your generous support of St. Mary’s Polish Parish.
Last week’s “in memory of” contributions to Rebuilding Fund:
IMO Father Jim MacLean from Nellie Tynski; Anna Wesolkowska
IMO William C. Mader from Anna Wesolkowska.
There will be a longer list of recent IMOs in next week’s bulletin. Dziekujemy bardzo

MASS CARDS/VIGIL CANDLE: To reserve Mass Intentions or Vigil Candle intentions, please call 902-563-1226. Please note that any 2015 Mass intentions recorded before the fire were lost and we would be most grateful if parishioners could check in again.

IN MEMORIAM DONATION: To make an In Memoriam donation, please speak with Shauna MacKay. These will be acknowledged in the bulletin. Building Fund contributions will go toward the new church. To contribute to the Rebuilding Fund, if you do not have an envelope, you can write on your regular envelope or cheque “Designated to the Rebuilding of St. Mary’s Polish Church.”

“IMIENINY” (NAME DAYS) FOR THE COMING WEEK. Help to maintain a longstanding Polish Catholic tradition by acknowledging relatives, friends, and colleagues who are celebrating their “name day,” corresponding with the feast day of a saint of the same name.  Where there is more than one saint of the same name who has been assigned a day, your “name day” is the one closest to your birthday. It is customary in the Polish tradition to acknowledge the name day of a relative or friend:
February 15: Georgina, Jordan, Jowita, Józef, Klaudia
February 16: Bernard, Dan, Danuta, Julianna
February 17: Donata, Franciszek, Julian, Konstanty, Łukasz, Niegomir, Zbigniew, Zbyszko
February 18: Albert, Alberta, Krystiana, Więcesława, Zuzanna
February 19: Arnold, Henryk, Konrad
February 20: Leon, Ludmiła, Ludomiła
February 21: Eleonora, Feliks, Teodor
February 22: Marta, Małgorzata, Piotr, Wiktor



BOOKMARKS WITH MASS RESPONSES IN POLISH: These are at the back table. Please feel free to take one. Thank you to Marjorie Ardelli and Carolyn Kiley for preparing the bookmarks.

ARCHIVES PROJECT: The Beaton Institute (CBU) has asked our parish to partner with them on a permanent catalogued archive of the Polish community in Cape Breton. The Beaton Institute is working on a funding application (there will be no cost to our parish). From time to time, our parishioners will be asked to give advice and share materials.

LEARNING BASIC POLISH IN A FUN, RECREATIONAL SETTING – SIX SATURDAYS – STARTING ON SATURDAY, MARCH 7 – 2-4 p.m. – POLISH VILLAGE HALL. The sessions are hosted by St. Mary’s Polish Parish. No previous experience is required. The sessions are geared to adult and teen learners.  Our facilitator is Edyta Baczyk, an experienced and popular language instructor. A theme will be preparing for Easter according to Polish customs and using Polish phrases. The cost is a total of $30 payable to “St. Mary’s Polish Parish.” Registration can be sent to the address on the form inserted into today’s bulletin or given to Finance Chair Shauna McKay.

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER will take place this year on Friday, March 6, at 2 p.m. at Holy Redeemer Church. We are hoping to have at least a couple of representatives from St. Mary’s Polish Parish. Please speak with Aggie Stephenson. Thank you!

POLSKI PIATEK: Our parish’s Polski Piatek after-work socials will resume after Lent. (Please note that this is a change to the earlier bulletin notice.)

ST. MICHAEL’S POLISH BENEFIT SOCIETY will meet next Sunday at 7 p.m.

KAPLICZKA: Anyone who would be interested in visiting the blacksmiths’ shop in Whycocomagh on Tuesday, March 17, to see an early version (subject to change based on our input) of the restored kapliczka (roadside shrine) please call 563-1226. This is part of the Kolonia Immigrant Heritage Parkette Project.

SHARE LENT: If you would like to be involved in a parish project for Share Lent in support of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, please speak with Tom Urbaniak.

REBUILDING FUND CONTRIBUTIONS: Building Fund contributions will go toward the new church. To contribute to the rebuilding if you do not have an envelope, you can also write on your regular envelope or cheque “Designated to the Rebuilding of St. Mary’s Polish Church.”

CAPE BRETON POLISH TARTAN ORDERS (proceeds to our parish) continue to be fulfilled. There is an order form on our website: . Orders will generally take a few weeks to complete.

THE RENOVATED AND REFURBISHED POLISH VILLAGE HALL is a comfortable, well appointed, modernized venue for events large and small. Please consider renting the hall for your events. Please call 564-8494.


Wishing you a blessed week! Bóg zapłać!


TODAY’S HYMNS: Please see bulletin insert for the words.
Entrance: O niewysłowione szczęście zajaśniało [The Heavenly Glory Shines]
Offertory: Każda żyjąca dusza [Every Living Spirit]
Communion: Już przyszedł Jezus ukochany [Our Beloved Jesus Has Arrived]
Post-Communion: O Maryjo, moja radość [O Mary, My Joy]
Closing: Najświętsze Serce Boże [The Most Holy Heart of God]